Samiul Novak – Founder, Chief Editor
Meet Samiul Novak, the visionary founder and Chief Editor of Dream Scribe. Samiul is dedicated to unravelling the profound meanings hidden within dreams, creating a space where dream professionals collaborate to provide insight and meaning to millions worldwide. Read the full bio here.

Jannat Kimura – Spiritual Dreamer, Mythologist
Jannat Kimura, our Spiritual Dreamer and resident mythologist, draws on over two decades of experience. Her work harmoniously blends spirituality, positive psychology, and personal development, guiding readers to find profound meaning within their dreams. Read her full bio here.

Rayhan Cruz – Dream Explorer, Writer
Rayhan Cruz, our Dream Explorer, delves into the science of sleep and dreams. His contributions offer a unique perspective on new trends and scholarly articles, exploring the evolving landscape of dream exploration. Read the full bio here.