About Dream Scribe

Welcome to DreamScribe.com, where the enchanting realm of dreams comes to life. Our mission is to weave a community of dream enthusiasts, unlocking the profound mysteries hidden within our dreams and making them an integral part of your journey.

What Sets Us Apart

Dream Scribe stands out in the vast landscape of dream interpretation websites through our multifaceted approach, purposeful mission, solid editorial process, and team brimming with passion and expertise.

Our Approach to Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation is a profoundly personal journey, and at Dream Scribe, we celebrate the diversity of perspectives. Our articles explore the intersections between dreams and psychology, philosophy, creative arts, science, and spirituality. We believe in presenting interpretations efficiently, creating a bridge between different approaches to dream analysis and the waking and dream states.

Our Mission

At Dream Scribe, we aim to entertain and educate about the importance of dreams and dream interpretation. We aim to cultivate wonder, expand human potential, and provide you with the tools for greater self-knowledge and fulfilment.

Our Goals

Driven by four core goals, we aspire to provide well-rounded, informative dream content, inspire self-discovery, instil confidence in crafting unique dream interpretations, and showcase the transformative power of dreams for personal and societal growth.

The Dream Power Manifesto

Rooted in our Dream Power Manifesto, launched in 2022, we envision a global network of dream professionals working together to help millions find meaning and insight in their dreams. Our dream interpretation methods aim to transform dreams into inspiration, understanding, and actionable wisdom.

Our Editorial Process

At Dream Scribe, we uphold the highest standards of reliability and quality. Our small group of qualified editors and dream interpreters follows a professional editorial process, ensuring that only thoroughly researched, accurate information reaches our readers. Check our editorial process in details here.

Meet the Dream Scribe Team

At Dream Scribe, our passion for dreams is brought to life by a dedicated team of individuals who share a common goal — to unravel the mysteries of the dream world and make dream interpretation an accessible and enriching experience for everyone.

Samiul Novak | Founder, Chief Editor

Samiul Novak, the visionary founder and Chief Editor of Dream Scribe, is a seasoned dream interpreter dedicated to unravelling the hidden meanings within the dream realm. He aims to create a global network of dream professionals, providing profound insight and meaning to dream enthusiasts worldwide.

Learn more about Samiul Novak here.

Rayhan Cruz | Dream Explorer, Writer

Rayhan Cruz, Dream Explorer and prolific writer, navigates the intricate science of sleep and dreams. His insightful contributions explore new trends and scholarly articles, making the evolving landscape of dream exploration accessible and captivating.

Learn more about Rayhan Cruz here.

Jannat Kimura | Spiritual Dreamer, Mythologist

Jannat Kimura, Dream Scribe’s Spiritual Dreamer and resident mythologist, brings over two decades of experience to the mystical realms of dreams. Jannat guides readers to find profound meaning within their dreams by weaving spirituality, positive psychology, and personal development.

Learn more about Jannat Kimura here.

Join Our Growing Community

Dream Scribe is more than just a platform; it’s a vibrant community of dream enthusiasts. We welcome contributors to join our team and share their knowledge and insights. You can fill up the form to get engage with us easily from here. If you’re passionate about dreams and interested in contributing articles or artwork, contact us at inquiry@dreamscribes.com, and let’s weave the dream tapestry together.


Our commitment to unbiased content is reflected in our advertising and affiliate policies. Clear distinctions are made between advertising and editorial content, and our editorial team produces unbiased reviews and rankings. Read more about our Privacy Policy here.

Privacy and Caution

Admiring your privacy, our Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to protecting your data. While we provide insightful dream interpretations, we emphasize that our content is not a substitute for medical advice.

Embark on the Dream Journey

Dream Scribe invites you to explore the rich tapestry of dreams, where entertainment meets education and self-discovery unfolds. Join us in celebrating the profound world of dreams at DreamScribe.com.